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In Haiti, the organization runs projects focused on rehabilitation care, mental health and psychosocial support and the prevention of emerging infectious diseases.

A young boy holding onto parallel bars as a woman wearing a mask, an HI armband, and gloves supports him with one hand behind his back and another holding a bar.

Villereson, 14 years old, had his left foot and right arm broken during the 2021 earthquake. Here he participated in his 12th therapy session. | © G. H. Rouzier / HI

Our actions

In the west, southeast and north of Haiti, Humanity & Inclusion is helping to develop the rehabilitation sector through training and skills transfer. The organization promotes the global recognition of rehabilitation professionals and strengthens care provision in the country.

As a continuation of the emergency response to the August 2021 earthquake, HI’s teams are providing rehabilitation care and support to a number of health centers in the Grand Sud. They are also providing mental health support and individual and community psychosocial support through awareness-raising actions to help people deal with the trauma of the earthquake.

To strengthen disaster preparedness and protection, HI raises awareness and trains authorities and partner organizations to take the populations with specific needs into account in their interventions, including elderly people and people with disabilities. Vulnerability assessments and simulation exercises are carried out and used to develop adapted action plans.

The program is also developing a logistics platform for the transport of humanitarian goods and merchandise by sailboat. This pick-up and storage service is made available to other humanitarian organizations in order to ensure the safe delivery of essential goods along the entire Haitian coast, avoiding blocked roads. HI’s teams are also training Haitian maritime transporters in navigation techniques and safety at sea.

Areas of intervention

Latest stories

Haiti: Hope for a better tomorrow
© W. Daniels / HI
Emergency Health Rehabilitation

Haiti: Hope for a better tomorrow

The situation in Haiti is nothing short of catastrophic with a security, health and food crisis. Yet Haitians are not despairing and remain hopeful of seeing their island regain its former splendor.

HI goes solar in Haiti
© HI

HI goes solar in Haiti

To increase its autonomy and reduce its carbon footprint, HI is installing solar panels on its offices in Haiti.

Haiti: HI's ongoing response to cholera outbreak
© HI
Emergency Health Prevention

Haiti: HI's ongoing response to cholera outbreak

Since the end of 2022, a cholera outbreak has been raging in Haiti. Humanity & Inclusion continues its preventive actions to support communities.


Haiti has been experiencing a political, economic, social and security crisis for several decades — a crisis that has worsened considerably since 2018.

Due to its geographical location, Haiti is very vulnerable to natural hazards and has been hit by numerous hurricanes, floods and earthquakes in recent years. These disasters have catastrophic consequences for the population. The recent earthquake on August 14, 2021, left almost 650,000 people in need of emergency humanitarian assistance.

Since 2021, a resurgence of rivalries and shifting alliances between local gangs has led to the displacement of some 19,000 people to the capital, Port-au-Prince. Violence and growing insecurity against an already fragile socio-political backdrop have further deteriorated the country's economic situation.

In rural areas, essential services like schools and health centers are scarce, adding to the population’s vulnerability. In this context of widespread poverty, the situation of people with disabilities is particularly alarming and their needs often go unmet.

Number of HI staff members: 45

Program launch date: 2008

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