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Take a Stand Against Landmines

Humanity & Inclusion needs your help! Join us in calling on President Joe Biden and his administration to join the International Mine Ban Treaty. SIGN THE PETITION!

A deminer at work

Jennifer Diaz works as a deminer near Maracaibo, Colombia, her home village. | © Till Mayer/ HI

Target: U.S. President Joe Biden

Humanity & Inclusion needs your help! In January 2020, President Donald Trump reversed an Obama administration policy and decided to allow the U.S. military to again use landmines in conflicts around the world. In June 2022, President Joe Biden again barred the United States' use, production, stockpiling, and transferring of anti-personnel landmines, with the exception of on the Korean Peninsula, if necessary.

These landmines are outdated and inaccurate weapons of war that kill and maim thousands of innocent men, women, and children every year. More than 70% of landmine victims are civilians.

By signing this petition, you are helping us tell President Biden and his administration to go one step further. 164 countries—including all of the members of NATO except the U.S.—have signed the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty, and it’s due time we join them. The U.S. participated in the Ottawa process to draft this international agreement to ban landmines, but never adopted or signed it. 

signatures 23
signatures 500

HI's fight to ban landmines

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) was founded in 1982 to treat and provide assistive devices for the victims of landmines. The organization has also been conducting demining operations for more than 25 years.

In 1992, HI and five other organizations created the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997. HI advocates for States to join and implement the treaties banning landmines and cluster munitions, to put an end to the bombing of populated areas, and to assist the victims.


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