Mohammad's rehabilitation

Mohammad and Noor in Azraq refugee camp, in Jordan | © E. Fourt / Handicap International
Mohammad and Noor in Azraq refugee camp, in Jordan | © E. Fourt / Handicap International
Mohammad was injured in a bombing raid last year in Syria, and his leg had to be amputated. For a few months, he has been living in Azraq camp (Jordan) with his family. Noor, physical therapist, advises him on how to walk long distances with the prosthesis Handicap International fitted him with.
Handicap International is able to carry out its activities in the region thanks to the support of the European Commission - Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO).
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Suite 420
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Humanity & Inclusion is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN/tax ID number: 55-0914744). Contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. CFC #51472
None of the funds donated through this website will benefit activities in the following countries: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, the Crimea Region, or Syria. Humanity & Inclusion does not have programs in all of these countries.