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Khazer camp, Iraq: Over half the people living here are under 18 11/16/16

More than 55,000 people have been displaced since military operations to retake Mosul began on the 17th October 2016. Several thousand of them now live in Khazer camp, 15 kilometers away from the frontline. 

  • Iraq

Mosul: “The number of displaced people has doubled in the past week” 11/16/16

Since the launch of the Mosul offensive in Iraq, more than 55,000 people have been displaced. Handicap International’s teams will start providing assistance to vulnerable people in displacement areas, from next week. 

  • Iraq

Towards a mine-free Casamance 11/16/16

The threat of anti-personnel mines still hangs over the people of Casamance despite an end to the conflict in this region of Senegal. Handicap International has been running its current demining project since December 2015. After completing an initial operation in the village of Diagnon, the organization is now clearing 20,000 square meters in Boutoute, on the outskirts of Ziguinchor, to free villagers from the danger of mines.

  • Senegal

Mae La refugee camp in Thailand, a difficult place to be a child 11/14/16

Handicap International is launching Growing Together, a project to give every child in the Thai refugee camps the right and the opportunity to be a child. Because being a child in a context of poverty and stress doesn’t come easy…

  • Thailand

When I trip, my friends pick me up 11/14/16

Despite her situation, Hae Tar (9) realizes she’s lucky. She has friends who accept her disability and who wait for her when she slowly navigates the bumpy paths of the refugee camp. But not all the children in the camp are that patient.

  • Thailand

I don’t want to leave my little brother alone 11/14/16

Twelve year old Saw is missing out on his childhood. Taking care of Kyan, his younger brother, is a full time job without any opportunities to play. And for Kyan, the possibilities in the Thai refugee camp are even more restricted. Luckily, they have each other.

  • Thailand

Julia is longing for a friend 11/14/16

"My daughter Julia (8 years old) has no friends. Other children don’t like to play with her because she’s too slow," says Sue. "The Handicap International rehabilitation center is the only place where she can play and be herself."

  • Thailand

Mae La refugee camp: We have no place to play 11/14/16

There’s only one football field for 40,000 people. Being a child in Mae La Refugee Camp,Thailand, doesn’t come easy. Besides difficult backgrounds and poor living conditions, children lack possibilities to play, although playing could help them deal with their situation. Luckily, So Eike and his friends are creative.  

Bolivia: More than 2,800 people benefit from rehabilitation care 11/10/16

Within the space of two years, more than 2,800 people have benefited from our rehabilitation services in Bolivia. Handicap International has helped set up seven rehabilitation centers in the country and also promotes access to quality care for people with disabilities.

  • Bolivia and Andean states

Haiti: Hurricane Matthew continues to wreak havoc 11/10/16

One month on from Hurricane Matthew, 1.4 million people in Haiti still need humanitarian aid. The south and north of the country were also recently hit by intense rainfall, and many roads are completely blocked by floods. Handicap International continues to provide emergency response to victims of the disaster.

  • Haiti

Iraq: Handicap International prepares to respond to emergency needs in Mosul 11/07/16

Three weeks after the start of the military offensive to take back the city of Mosul in Iraq, over 34,000 people have already been displaced. Handicap International is preparing to provide them with support and to deploy substantial resources to respond to the emergency situation.

  • Iraq

Shua'a, 9: “I will finally be able to go back to school” 11/07/16

Early in the summer of 2015, 9-year-old Shua’a and her family were caught in a bombing raid in Syria. It resulted in the amputation of her left foot. Her family now lives in Azraq camp, in Jordan. With Humanity & Inclusion's help she will very shortly be fitted with a prosthesis and will be able to walk over longer distances.

  • Jordan
  • Syria

Hurricane Matthew in Cuba: people with disabilities especially vulnerable 10/31/16

Hurricane Matthew hit southeast Cuba on the night of 4th to 5th October, after making landfall in Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Jamaica. In Cuba, the hurricane had a significant impact on vulnerable people, particularly people with disabilities. Handicap International has been present in Cuba for more than 18 years and part of its work includes preparing the most vulnerable people for natural disasters.

  • Cuba

Massive needs in Haiti but lack of funds for hurricane victims 10/27/16

Three weeks after Hurricane Matthew hit the southwest and northwest of Haiti on 4th October, 1.4 million Haitians still need humanitarian aid. To help the most vulnerable people, Handicap International has deployed a team of nine emergency specialists to areas affected by the hurricane.

  • Haiti


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