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Preventing sexual violence against children 02/24/16

The Ubuntu Care1 project combats sexual violence against children, particularly children with disabilities, in Kenya, Burundi and Rwanda. Launched in November 2012, it has already provided care and treatment to 600 child victims of sexual violence. Regional coordinator Sofia Hedjam describes the program and its achievements.

  • Rwanda
  • Burundi (inactive)
  • Kenya

Abdallah: “I’d like to go out and see my brothers again” 02/24/16

Abdallah, 11, was injured in a bombing raid in Syria. He is now paraplegic and lives with his mother, brothers and sisters in a shelter for refugees in Lebanon. Since he arrived in the Beqaa Valley in September 2015, he has been supported by a Handicap International team* who are helping him to gradually recover and meet the new challenges he is facing.

  • Lebanon
  • Syria

Weapons: a daily threat to people’s lives 02/18/16

The fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 and Libya’s descent into chaos has led to a proliferation of arms and an escalation in fighting between militia groups. In response, Handicap International is providing the population with risk education on firearms, mines and explosive remnants of war. Over the last four years, the organization has educated 120,000 people at greatest risk from these weapons, most of them children.

  • Libya (inactive)

Providing healthcare in a country at war 02/16/16

South Sudan’s brutal two-year civil war is forcing an increasing number of civilians, who are often the victims of violence, to flee their homes. Over two million people have been internally displaced or taken refuge in a neighboring country since the start of the conflict. Present in South Sudan since 2006, Handicap International is providing humanitarian response to people caught up in the fighting, particularly in the field of health.

  • South Sudan

Air strike destroys MSF hospital in northern Syria 02/15/16

A hospital supported by humanitarian organization Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) in Marat al-Numan, 280 kilometers to the north of Damascus, was destroyed in an air strike on Monday 15th February. Seven people were killed in the attack and dozens injured.

  • Syria

Helping malnourished children to flourish in the Sahel 02/15/16

Malnutrition hampers children’s physical and mental development, leaving them in an extremely fragile state of health. Handicap International is responding to the particularly acute problem in the Sahel. Over the next two years, the organization intends to limit the impact of malnutrition in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, to ensure that children in the Sahel can grow up in the best possible health.

  • Mali
  • Burkina Faso
  • Niger

Senegal: Ensuring no school children are left behind 02/15/16

Since 2014, Handicap International has been running an inclusive education project in Senegal in the regions of Dakar and Ziguinchor. One of the project’s flagship initiatives is to provide medical consultations in primary schools for the early screening of pathologies which might lead to a delay in learning or even to the affected children dropping out of education. Adama Awa Ba, 12 years old, is one of the program’s first beneficiaries.

  • Senegal

UN Security Council Open Debate on protection of civilians: Governments should recognize impact of explosive weapons 01/18/16

A UN Security Council Open Debate on Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict will be held on 19th January 2016. Handicap International urges States to take action against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas, which killed or injured 32,000 civilians in 2014.[1]

Khendo, 8: I have a new leg, but I worry about losing the other 01/11/16

On 25 April 2015, Nepal was rocked by an earthquake, affecting 8 million Nepalese people. Khendo, 8 years old, lost her leg in the disaster. After more than six months of rehabilition sessions with Handicap International, she received a prosthesis and can now walk again. Khendo will soon return to school.

  • Nepal

Handicap International in Tibet: an operation spanning 15 years 01/11/16

Handicap International began working in the Tibet Autonomous Region - where its many projects were designed to promote the social inclusion of people with disabilities - in 2000. In mid-2015, the organization withdrew from the region and entrusted the follow-up of its projects to its former local partner, the Tibet Persons' Federation.

  • China (inactive)

Six years after the earthquake, Handicap International is still working with the Haitian people 01/11/16

On 12th January 2010, an earthquake devastated Haiti, killing over 230,000 people and injuring over 300,000. In order to help the victims, Handicap International deployed resources on an unprecedented scale. Today, the organization is continuing its work with the Haitian people.

  • Haiti

Saving lives through Ebola awareness 12/28/15

At the start of the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, many people with disabilities did not know about Ebola because the national public awareness campaign did not share information in formats they could understand.

Handicap International, present in Sierra Leone since 1996, stepped in to ensure people with different kinds of disabilities knew how to prevent the disease. 

  • Sierra Leone

Mine detection dog handler, a real passion 12/23/15

‘This is not something you can do if you aren’t passionate about it’. This was the first thing Jonathan Matambo said to me, the mine detection dog handler who joined Handicap International’s demining team in Casamance, Senegal, last September. The 33-year old divides his time between his family, who live in Harare, Zimbabwe, and his two explosive detection dogs, Katja and Rex.

  • Senegal

Name: Katja. Profession: Explosive detector 12/23/15

At nine years of age, Katja is something of a veteran. However, each day this female Belgian Shepherd comes to work with fresh energy and enthusiasm. She has worked in an impressive number of African countries: Kenya, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo... and thanks to her exceptional sense of smell she has detected dozens of explosive devices.

  • Senegal

Freeing Casamance from the threat of mines 12/23/15

Although the conflict between the Senegalese army and the rebel forces of the Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC) appears to be slowly fading, populations still face the threat of anti-personnel mines. At the beginning of December, Handicap International launched a mine-clearing program. The first operations in the village of Diagnon, east of Ziguinchor, began in mid-December and aim to clear 30,000 square meters of land of mines, barbaric weapons that primarily kill and mutilate civilians.

  • Senegal


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