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Humanity & Inclusion is one of the leading organizations working on disability worldwide. We publish a range of reports, factsheets, and briefings on topics related to our work. These include disability, emergencies, explosive weapons, physical rehabilitation, health, inclusion and rights.

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A selection of our most recent reports are available below, displayed in order by their date of publication. Please use the filter tools to refine your search.

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Healing the Wounds: Gaza (March 2015) 12/22/15

The Gaza Strip population was exposed to a long-term, and acute military operation for 51 days during the summer of 2014. The whole population was affected in one way or another. This report sheds light on the emergency response services delivered to the different beneficiaries.
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Kenya: An impact assessment of the armed violence reduction project in North Western Keny (Jan 2015) 11/22/15

The North Rift Valley communities suffer from high levels of insecurity. Armed violence is fed by the proliferation and use of illegal arms related to inter-ethnic rivalries, scare resources competition, and uncontrolled arms circulation. In Aug. 2014, Humanity & Inclusion launched an armed violence reduction project in the Pokot West and Trans-Nzoia Counties, focused on the reduction of the risk factors and armed violence motivations. Alongside its Kenyan partners, Justice and Peace Center and Free Pentecostal Fellowship of Kenya, we worked to enhance the perception of security among the communities, and to establish a way for the communities and security agents to both discuss matters, and gain confidence in one another. This report evaluates the impact of the project's first five months.
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Syria: Equal Access Monitor examines durable solutions for Syrians with specific needs (with HelpAge) 09/22/15

Durable solutions – including local integration and resettlement - have the potential to transform the lives of individual refugees and their families, particularly those with specific needs whether due to disability or old age. Moreover, resettlement is a crucial way that “third countries” can stand in solidarity and assist the countries that are currently bearing the brunt of the economic and infrastructural demands of sheltering the refugees fleeing the ongoing war in Syria.
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Disability in humanitarian context: Views from affected people and field organisations 07/01/15

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Advocacy briefing - Road safety: Focus on vulnerable users 05/26/15

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Advocacy briefing - Education for All? This is still not a reality for most children with disabilities 05/26/15

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Advocacy briefing - Gender and disability: A way forward to overcoming multiple discrimination 05/26/15

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Advocacy briefing - Humanitarian Response: how to include everyone? 05/26/15

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Advocacy briefing - Inclusion: the key to essential disaster risk management 05/26/15

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