Latest news
By country
By activity
- Rights (111)
- Emergency (632)
- Rehabilitation (435)
- Prevention (90)
- Inclusion (258)
- Health (179)
- Explosive weapons (332)
- Event (16)
- Covid-19 (5)
By publication date
After mine incident, Abed takes his first step in five years 09/21/23
Abed lost both of his legs in a mine accident in 2018 in Syria. Access to Humanity & Inclusion's rehabilitation services has changed his life.
- Syria
HI cleans up sulfur used to produce explosive devices 09/20/23
Near Raqqa, Syria, Humanity & Inclusion’s clearance team has cleaned up piles of sulfur, a chemical used to produce explosive devices.
- Syria
Thanks to a more inclusive and accessible environment, Mario goes back to school 09/19/23
Mario Rui Monteiro is a young man from Mozambique. He used to be bullied at school. Through Humanity & inclusion's inclusive education actions, he has made friends and can pursue his dreams of becoming a lawyer.
- Mozambique
After double amputation, Abderamane stands again with HI's support 09/18/23
Both of Abderamane’s legs were amputated after a wound became seriously infected. With the support of Humanity & Inclusion, and thanks to his own determination, he now has hope for the future.
- Central African Republic
4 things you should know about bamboo 09/15/23
Bamboo grows naturally in about 20 of the countries in which Humanity & Inclusion works. A historic symbol of our operations, bamboo is regularly used by our teams, particularly in Asia.
- Cambodia
- Laos
- Bangladesh
Morocco earthquake survivors in need of shelter 09/15/23
Almost a week after the earthquake, the disaster's impact is alarming: more than 380,000 people have been affected by the disaster, including thousands who are homeless.
- Morocco
Coordinating emergency teams responding to Libya floods 09/14/23
Atlas Logistique, Humanity & Inclusion's Logistics Division, is supporting the emergency response to Storm Daniel, which devastated Derna and other parts of eastern Libya.
- Libya (inactive)
HI provides support to Moroccans affected by the earthquake 09/13/23
A 6.8-magnitude earthquake shook Morocco on Sept. 8, 2023. Humanity & Inclusion has been present in the country for 30 years and is working alongside its Moroccan partners to help survivors.
- Morocco
Morocco earthquake: Humanity & Inclusion expresses its support 09/09/23
A 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck the Al-Haouz province of Morocco at around 11 p.m. on Friday, September 8. Humanity & Inclusion has been present in the country since 1993 and shows its support for Moroccans.
- Morocco
Iraq: 'I demine to help my community' 09/05/23
Istabraq Lazim Muhammed joined Humanity & Inclusion's clearance team in Salah al Din, Iraq, earlier this year.
- Iraq
Mireille shows progress with stimulation therapy in Chad 09/05/23
Mireille, 2, lives with intellectual disabilities as well as the challenges of malnourishment. In Chad, Humanity & Inclusion is promoting her growth and development through stimulation therapy.
- Chad
Chue Por, injured by a cluster munition at the age of 17 09/01/23
Chue Por is the survivor of a cluster munition explosion in which he lost his arm. With the support of Humanity & Inclusion, he has regained his mobility.
- Laos
Awa fights against genital mutilation in Senegal 08/31/23
Awa is raising the awareness of young men and women about sexual health issues in Kolda, Senegal. Her objective? For everyone to have access to the information and the health services they need.
- Senegal
In Cuba, HI continues to support residents one year after Hurricane Ian 08/30/23
In September 2022, Hurricane Ian hit Cuba with winds of greater than 125 mph. A year later, Humanity & Inclusion is still actively responding to the emergency and helping communities become more resilient to future disasters.
- Cuba
As a peer educator, Saly is mobilizing for people’s rights 08/29/23
Saly, 22, lives in the Kolda region of Senegal. She is a peer educator working to raise the awareness of young people about sexual health and disability issues.
- Senegal