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- Rights (111)
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By publication date
Proud to clear lands for communities 08/28/23
Mawj Maad JarAllah joined the Humanity & Inclusion clearance team in Salah al Din, Iraq, earlier this year. She shares what motivates her work.
- Iraq
Ruth overcomes malnutrition challenges with play therapy 08/25/23
Humanity & Inclusion is caring for Ruth, 15 months old, who is experiencing the effects of malnutrition, which could irreversibly affect her growth.
- Chad
After stimulation therapy, Madeleine loves to play 08/25/23
Experiencing food insecurity in Chad, Madeleine is facing the consequences of malnutrition. Humanity & Inclusion has been providing the toddler with physical therapy to stimulate her motor skills and cognitive development.
- Chad
Mine clearance and the environment: HI is committed to preserving biodiversity in Colombia 08/25/23
In Colombia, Humanity & Inclusion is complementing its demining operations with a commitment to the environment.
- Colombia
Thanks to his new glasses, Egide is back at school 08/24/23
Egide is 7 years old and lives in Rwanda. Born with a visual disability, Humanity & Inclusion has helped him receive the eye surgery he needed. Today, with his new glasses, he can see the bright side of life.
- Rwanda
Clearing land of explosive weapons leads to agricultural opportunity 08/23/23
In Lebanon, Humanity & Inclusion has just begun new clearance operations in the Chouf District of Mount Lebanon province. Once released, the land – abandoned for the last 40 years – will be used for agriculture.
- Lebanon
Ukraine: 'I don’t see victims, I see survivors' 08/22/23
Irina Yashchuk is Humanity & Inclusion’s Health Project Manager in eastern Ukraine. Every day, she and her team work to support people affected by the war.
- Ukraine
Community gardens provide a lifeline for communities isolated by conflict 08/21/23
A shared community garden project in Burkina Faso is helping people living in the Sahel region ensure their food security.
- Burkina Faso
Hassan helps people with disabilities find employment 08/17/23
Hassan Safssafi works for Humanity & Inclusion as an Employment Projects Manager. He focuses on the social and economic inclusion of people with disabilities in Morocco.
- Morocco
After surviving mine explosion, prosthesis expert brings personal experience to job 08/14/23
Navin Raut specializes in the production of prostheses and orthoses—also known as artificial limbs and braces—with Humanity & Inclusion in Nepal. He talks about his journey from a young soldier requiring amputation to a prosthetics & orthotics (P&O) specialist.
- Nepal
Cultivating peace in a village freed from the threat of mines 08/11/23
In April 2023, Humanity & Inclusion declared the village of Santander de Quilichao in Colombia free of mines. After living in fear for 20 years, its residents are now getting on with their lives.
- Colombia
Being a physical therapist pushes you to do your best every day 08/08/23
Paul Lokiru is a physical therapist for Humanity & Inclusion in Uganda. Every day, he helps patients regain their mobility and self-confidence. In the refugee camps where he works, the needs are immense.
- Uganda
Kennedy walks with 3D-printed braces, rehabilitation care 08/08/23
Kennedy has cerebral palsy. After years of being unable to stand or walk, braces and physical therapy have helped him achieve incredible progress.
- Uganda
Dania is proud to contribute to her community’s development 08/07/23
In Cuba, Humanity & Inclusion is helping residents prepare for potential natural disasters and strengthen their autonomy and resilience. Dania has received support for her farm.
- Cuba
HI helps Hajar find more than a job 08/04/23
Hajar has a visual disability caused by a degenerative eye disease. She tells about her life in Morocco and how Humanity & Inclusion helped her find a job.
- Morocco