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By publication date
A day in the life of HI’s deminers 05/17/24
Slip into the protective clothing of HI's deminers in Senegal and come spend a day with them in the field.
- Senegal
Gaza: HI response to the humanitarian crisis 05/17/24
HI employs 40 people in the Gaza Strip, supported by 300 volunteers. HI is also engaged in Egypt and Lebanon, helping to address the impact of the crisis there.
- Occupied Palestinian Territories
Crisis in North Kivu: mobile clinics providing essential care 05/14/24
HI is deploying mobile clinics in North Kivu to improve access to healthcare and provide medical and psychosocial assistance to people displaced by conflict.
- Democratic Republic of Congo
All the children in Gaza are out of school 05/07/24
All the schools in Gaza are closed because of the violence, so what is happening to the children who are now out of school?
- Occupied Palestinian Territories
The parent-child bond, crucial to the development of children facing malnutrition 05/06/24
HI's actions for children experiencing malnutrition are based on the emotional bond between parents and children. Amina, the mother of a baby who has benefited from HI's activities, tells us about her experience.
- Chad
Good News of April 2024 05/03/24
In Syria, Nepal and Uganda: children are finding new hope thanks to their prostheses and wheelchairs!
- Syria
- Nepal
- Uganda
Global Day of Action on May 2: Stop all arms transfer 05/02/24
HI, as part of the Ceasefire Now coalition, is taking part in a day of action calling for a halt to all arms transfers and an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
- Occupied Palestinian Territories
In Mali, HI delivers 1,200 tons of humanitarian aid to help people in need 04/29/24
HI provides other NGOs in Mali with a road and river transport solution for delivering their aid to communities in need.
- Mali
Putting an end to widespread destruction and civilian harm in populated areas 04/24/24
States have gathered in Oslo to review the implementation of the political declaration against the bombing and shelling of towns and cities.
- International
Noor, walking her way back to life! 04/19/24
Noor, aged 3, is a survivor of the earthquake that struck Turkey and northwest Syria in February 2023. HI is accompanying this vivacious and resilient little girl on the way to her refound life.
- Syria
West Bank: Attending school in times of conflict is a challenge 04/17/24
Samar, 10, lives in a camp in the West Bank. She has multiple disabilities. Attending school is already a challenge, now exacerbated by the escalation of violence.
- Occupied Palestinian Territories
7 things you should know about the conflict in Sudan 04/15/24
On April 15 2023, an armed conflict broke out in Sudan. In May 2023, HI mobilized in Eastern Chad to support and care for Sudanese refugees fleeing the violence.
- Chad
Gaza: “We need double the amount of supplies” 04/08/24
Wala provides nursing care to people in their homes and shelters. She talks to us about her life, her work and the situation in Gaza.
- Occupied Palestinian Territories
Srey Neang: a prosthesis so she can return to school 04/07/24
Srey Neang's leg was amputated after she was injured by an explosive device at the age of four.
- Cambodia
Martine, a mine accident survivor, tells her story to raise awareness of the risks 04/05/24
Martine comes from Senegal. In 2009, she was injured in a mine explosion. Since then, she has been speaking out to raise awareness of the dangers of explosive devices and prevent further accidents.
- Senegal