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Good News June 2024 06/28/24
Good news from HI in June: rehabilitation in Somaliland and Togo, economic inclusion in Venezuela.
- Somaliland
- Togo
- Venezuela
From Bangkok Dreams to Upcountry Scars: A Single Mom's Fight After Loss 06/25/24
As an active participant in Humanity & Inclusion's Disability Social Inclusion (DSI) program and Self Help Groups (SHG), Tha Zin Aye financially supports both herself and her son by farming mushrooms.
- Thailand
Undeterred by Disability: 50-Year-Old Philippine Woman Leads Community During Disasters 06/25/24
After joining the LEAD Project, Alma, a 50-year-old woman, proved that living with a disability does not stop her from being proactive during flooding and typhoons. LEAD, ‘Local Empowerment and Advocacy Disability Inclusive Climate Actions Led by Persons with Disabilities,’ is a USAID-funded project that aims to empower people with disabilities and engage them in emergency and disaster preparedness.
- Philippines
“Kharkiv is under recurrent bombing and people fear for their lives!” 06/20/24
One month after the beginning of the new Russian offensive in the Kharkiv region, repeated shelling is taking a heavy toll on the population.
- Ukraine
World Refugee Day: “We must not forget the Rohingya!” 06/20/24
Today, Cox’s Bazar is home to a million Rohingya refugees; 12% of these now stateless people are people with disabilities.
- Bangladesh
Philippines: HI prepares people with disabilities to cope with climate-related disasters 06/18/24
The Philippines is a country that's been severely affected by climate change. People with disabilities are among those hit hardest. HI is at their side.
- Philippines
Meet the young girl helping to change perceptions of disability 06/12/24
Norcia is thriving at school thanks to her access to inclusive education. At just 17, she is also an ambassador for HI, helping to promote disability inclusion in Madagascar.
- Madagascar
Despite the obstacles, Edwige aspires to become a teacher 06/12/24
Edwige is a 20-year-old student with vision loss. She has been in education since the age of four, but it has not always been easy getting to where she is today.
- Togo
Good News from May 2024 05/31/24
Good news in May at HI: demining in Colombia, rehabilitation in South Sudan, and inclusive education in Madagascar.
- South Sudan
- Madagascar
- Colombia
In Kharkiv, Ukraine, the situation is very concerning 05/28/24
Since May 10, 2024, Russia has been conducting a new offensive in the region. As the security situation deteriorates, humanitarian needs continue to increase.
- Ukraine
Supported by HI and APHMOTO, Gawalé went to school and became a garment maker 05/26/24
Gawalé, 24, currently works as a garment maker. She is also blind. With determination and the support she received, she was able to go to school Today, she talks to us about her experience and why we need to make the school system inclusive.
- Togo
"Thanks to HI's awareness raising activities friends and colleagues no longer belittle us" 05/24/24
Damigou is a young woman with vision loss. Thanks to the inclusive education and vocational training project in Togo, she attended school and now works as an accountant in a pharmacy.
- Togo
Mardoché, a model of resilience 05/24/24
Mardoché’s leg was torn off by a bullet when he was just a baby. Today, thanks to HI, he feels confident and is looking forward to a bright future.
- Central African Republic
Uganda: "At last, my daughter can go to school" 05/24/24
Gina*, age 4, lives in Uganda. She has a disability which makes her daily life difficult and painful. HI has fitted her with 3D-printed knee-ankle-foot orthoses to correct the alignment.
- Uganda
Flore, a driver’s assistant with HI: portrait of a woman who sets herself no limits! 05/24/24
Flore is a woman of commitment, passionate about her job. She is responsible for ensuring the effective delivery of humanitarian supplies in Burkina Faso in a complicated security context.
- Burkina Faso